Friday, January 23, 2004

Creating Something Out of Nothing, Only to Destroy It

I have finally beat True Crimes: Streets of LA. It was a really good game. For those who don't know it is a lot like GTA III/Vice City. Although those games were great, i think i liked True Crimes more. Probabaly cause the graphics weren't blocky like GTA. This page is buliding. I added all of my divx movies, vcd movies, and music cd lists. They need to be updated some more, but i will do that later. I have been looking for another/new job for a while now. I need something to do with all my free time, i am going crazy bored. I do work tomorrow night, so that will give me something to do tomorrow. Sunday i have to watch Doubble007 and eHUNT die in a halo tourney. Then watch the Royal Rumble sunday night at Chon's Place. I am glad i have something to do sunday that gets me out of doing the inventory for work. They usually are that bad, but with Hot Topic they make you recount every freakin' thing. It can be a pain. Tonight i am off to play some pool with some friends. I will probably make a fool out of myself, we'll see.


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