Sunday, January 25, 2004

My Throat Is An Open Grave

Another late night for me. I have to start sleeping at night, not during the day. But it is so much cooler at night. I used to stay up late at night on my computer (like right now) and staring at my fish tank. I love fish. I miss having a tank. I want another little crab, but i think this time i will have to get a Glofish or ten.

Tomorrow is the halo tourney that 007 and eHUNT are in. Chon and I stopped by the place on friday. Really nice place, but not really big. I am worried that if a lot of people come to watch, that there may not be enough room. If that happens, then i don't know what we will do. I am suppose to get up in the morning and go to Chon's condo. The only good thing about that is that i can get me a McGriddle. GOD i love those things! They are like my drug. Although they aren't strong enough to get me out of bed in the morning, but they are a good reason to get up. After my McGriddle i will most likely crash at Chon's. Hopefully i won't sleep too late and be late to the halo tourney. Well it is about 3:30 am, i better go.


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