Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Sperm Ridden Burden

I found out that my step sister, Angie, is having her thrid child. Normally that is great news, but it's not. She is the type of person you just don't want to reproduce. She already has two kids she can't take care of, and now she is having another. The worst part of this, is that the other step sister, Crystal, can't have children. The one who shouldn't can, and the one who should can't. Irony is a dirty little bastard some times. Crystal has looked into adopting a kid, but it costs too much for her. I don't understand why i have to have interviews and pay a lot of money to adopt. But i could just go out and get a woman pregnant for free. Maybe the government should take control, well at least of my step sister.

I found out today that my ex sister-in-law doesn't want her love bird anymore. That means i can have it. Well technically i will be holding it for my brother up in atlanta, but i will treat it has mine. I have wanted a love bird for some time now. And after spending time in atlanta with my brothers birds, i really want one. This will be a good way for me to test the water so to speak. See if i can deal with taking care of one.

Well my satellite is going out cause of the storm over my house. I think that is a sign to go to bed. Plus i need to get up tomorrow and look for a job, but i will probably end up surfing the internet all day.


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