Wednesday, January 28, 2004

It's Tuesday Night And Mr. Judgement Is Out Of Cigarettes

I went on a little trip today. Greg, Summer, Lora, Vanessa, and i went to Deltona to drop off Summers car at her dad's work. The adventure didn't start till the drive back. Some how we all fit in lora's nissan 240. I was glad greg went. Whenever greg and i go on road trips it is always fun.

I just spent about half a hour writing a post on on why i should be a mod on the site. It probably sound really stupid. I was trying to be creative and silly. Hopefully it will help me win the mod position.

When i got home tonight at 1:30 am the screen door on the front door was locked. And of course i don't have a key to it. I was freakin' out. I tryed to break it open, didn't work. I tryed to get in a window, didn't work. I finally called the house, but no one answered. Then a few minutes later my step brother in law came to the door. I was so happy. I really didn't want to sleep in my car for the night.

It is about 3:00 am, it is time to watch "Wings" then go to bed. It is cold for at least the next couple of days. That means i can wear my jackets. That is wonderful news!


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