Tuesday, December 07, 2004

A Posthumous Publication of His Memories

Time is a tricky mistress. Depending on your mood it can crawl by or run by. This past two months have been sprinting by for me. Yet this time i don't want it to speed by. I have someone to actually spend my time with other than my xbox. I have spent too long alone. I really needed someone to consume my time. I am very gratful. It has been two months since i started seeing her, yet it feels like i have known her for longer. I have completely shared everything about me with her. I feel completely comfrontable with her. She truly accepts me. Even with my "strange" pet peeves, my Sasquatch height, boring goody-goody(i hate that term) lifestyle, lack of ambitions, tackle box face, obsession with star wars, my peter pan complex, and every other issue i have that makes me hate myself. But when i am with her i feel so alive. I am totally captivated by her. I just hope she doesn't realize how much a dork i am, and find some one better than me. But i still love her.


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