Friday, December 31, 2004

Profound hatred of Man

People are jerks sometimes. So i mixed the new with the old. It wasn't planned. She just stopped by my job, and it is hard for me to say goodbye to her, so i brought her with me. I knew i was asking for some trouble, but i didn't think she would make a scene like she did. Other than that my evening was wonderful. I got to spend time with "Default" Josh, Chon Lee, Matt, Ths Isons, and Jessica(i guess now i can post her name cause everyone that reads this knows it.) I got to eat too much food, play some halo 2, and hang out with friends.

I just really wish things where different. I don't want to be the cause of any heartache or pain. I do understand that sometimes it is unavoidable. I have thought about withdrawing myself fromt the group altogether, but everytime i hang out with them it is difficult to do that. I am all talk(well all thought really) when it comes to that. Not that i haven't completely cut some people out of my life, but they have done things to deserve it. It is part of my emotional barriers, so poeple aren't too close to me. I might need professional help.


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