Saturday, December 18, 2004

When the urgency strikes you, you'd better not lose your nerve

Today is a day of mixed emotions. I, nervously, talked to my wonderful girlfriend about something very important last night with great success. I think i scared her more with the way i began it than with the actual topic. On a side note i was nervous like i am always with her. I feel completely comfrontable with her, i know i can tell her any and everything. I still get nervous at times. I think i believe i am going to do or say something that is going to scare her away. And if that happens i don't know what i would do.

I have been trying to repair communcation to my exgirlfriend. And well i found out today why they were down in the first place. She has discovered my present girl. I knew it was going to happen, but i didn't think she was going to be this upset about it. It is not like i am going to change anything for her, but i don't like her be hurt by it. I wanted to remain her friend, but if she is going to keep acting the way she does around me then i don't know if i can. Emotions are bastards sometimes. And i guess i am a heartbreaker after all, and that breaks my heart.


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