Thursday, January 13, 2005

Well this rope is tightening and I don't want you to see all these things I hide.When you were holding my hand I didn't think I'd die.

I got a lot off my chest yesterday. I told some very deep and personal matter to someone, despite hearing the horrors that run through my mind, who really cares. Did i really think she was going to leave after hearing them? No, i didn't. I thought she was going to worry more about me though. I don't want someone worring about me, i'm independent. Even though i don't want someone worring, i probably need someone to. And it is comfronting that someone cares, and needs me as much as i need her.

I was thinking about her the other day. I got scared thinking, worse case scenario of course, her parents not allowing her to see me. There is no reason for them to think that way, but i started for the moment. And not that she would just listen to her parents either. I started to get that broken heart feeling. Where you actually feel like your heart is in pieces. I hate that feeling. It makes me think that i might just be attached to her. When the thought of her not being around hurts me. I could have been a player. Not that i ever was, but now that idea is gone. I'm not upset, i much rather spend time with her than anyone else. She is my super charged magnet.


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