Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Can you understand my meaning hidden in the roses around my eyes?

So i took another major step in my relationship. I went out yesterday, and changed my cell phone plan to a family plan and added jessica to it. This is a big step. Thanks to technology this is a critical step in a dating relationship. And i am ecstatic. I now have the ability to call her whenever i want and not use up all my minutes. And now with school starting back up soon i will only be able to talk to her most of the time, and maybe see her at night after work. Plus this whole up grade thing did get me a new cell phone. The phone i have wanted for a while now. Awesome!!!


Blogger Smitten Kitten said...

a family plan? this coming from the strongest advocate against non-families getting family plans? well, maybe it's different in your case but i'll just tell you the words of "wisdom" you told me..."what if something happens or goes wrong or you end up not talking or being friends anymore and then you're stuck with this phone contract for at least like a year, sometimes two...is that really wise? because i would strongly advise you not to do that" haha. wow, things really have changed.

January 6, 2005 at 1:35 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

Yes i remember saying that, but that was about you and fliegirl. My relationship is more stable than yours, so it is it good.

January 7, 2005 at 12:12 AM  
Blogger Smitten Kitten said...

well, i'm not really sure if you're the one that could judge anything about our relationship, but as long as your happy.

January 7, 2005 at 12:23 AM  

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