Sunday, January 02, 2005

I touched myself at thoughts of flames

So jessica decided to start the new year in flames. That could be the last time i invite myself over to her house. Although i am sure i helped, and i am glad it happened around me so i didn't hear about it later and worry. I still feel like i somehow caused it. But no one got hurt, and it was stopped so it could have ended worse. I did get to meet most of her family.

I have grown tired of not having my own place. I also feel if i stay with Chon_Lee too long he will grow to dislike me. I desire my own place so i can set up my kitchen, put my fish tank up, and do whatever i want. I could walk around in my underwear if i want. Have people any time i want. And maybe not feeling like a bum. Plus i see a new beginning to my life starting soon. A new chapter so to speak. And i think having my own place will start it all. This is something i never thought would happen to me. I have never felt this way before, but it feels so right. I will never let go.


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