Wednesday, January 12, 2005

I wanna be Jackie Onassis, I wanna wear a pair of dark sunglasses

I found out that i am an idiot. I thought i asked for a day off, but as it turns out i only asked for the evening off. Now my plans are being rescheduled. I could do something to make them stay the same, but i might just ask jessica if she will use some vacation time at a later day. Though i hate to ask it of her. I don't like asked people for stuff a lot of the time. I know she will do what she can if i ask her, but i don't like it. I'm independent, yo!

I did finally go and talk to an apartment complex that i have been meaning to. Thanks to jessica pushing me, like i needed. I found out some information that i needed to know. I hope it works out. It will put me right beside work, which would be so nice. I would be able to have my own place. I really hope it works out.

I know i probably say this a lot, but i mean it everytime. I am so lucky to have jessica in my life. She makes me so happy. And for some crazy reason she really cares. I don't know why she cares for me, when i don't really care for me. She accepts everything about me without question. She is amazing!! I love her!!!


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