Saturday, January 15, 2005

Choke That Thief Called Dependence

I had a wonderful night. I was able to spend some time with my jessica, and was invited out with Juan and Kirsty. I'm not quite sure why they have taken a liking to me, but i'm happy about it. I really enjoy spending time with them. Jessica has declared they are "our" friends, not mine. She also feels that way about the lovely jarvis. She is stealing my friends, well not really. I'm beyond happy that she likes my friends in the first place. And i guess we have the Ortegas and Jarvis to do couples things with. I'm part of a couple now. I used to be the odd ball out. I was the one visiting married friends and whatnot. I guess i am growing up. But i'm not sure i want to. I don't want the problems that come with being an adult. I guess i can only run for so long before it catches up to me. Maybe i will just run faster.


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