Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Her lips taste like a loaded gun and I'm her number one chalk outline on the floor.

I had a really good day for once. I was able to talk to jessica for around three hours this morning. I never get tired of talking to her. Talking on the phone is the closest i get to seeing her during the week. It is rough with our schedules. But she is totally worth waiting for. I will wait forever if i need to.

I received two compliments today at work. One from my district manager and one from my store manager. Very odd. My district manager is really nice, while i haven't been complimented from him before i don't that as been very strange. My store manager on the other hand, is a jerk most of the time. She is a great person and a good friend of mine outside of work. But when she is working she is strict and hard on everyone. I never hear any praise from her usually. Not that i need it all the time, but to hear it every once and while is nice. Today she said i have been doing very good this past month. That i have been developing with the employees and taking on extra duties. The ironic part is that she was lecturing me last week about not being hard enough on the employees, and this week i'm amazing at it. I think she is freakin' crazy. I haven't change anything in the past week. Nor is she every around to notice if i am better with the staff. She is just jealous that the entire staff loves me and hates her guts. It is her own fault that no one likes her. She is generally mean to everyone. And accepts too much of people. Nobody can live up to her high standards. I get the feeling that she may have gotten a talking to from my district manager today, and that is the only reason she said anything to me. I hope i am wrong, and it is pretty sad that i would think that of someone who i would consider a friend. Maybe she isn't a friend after all. Maybe she pretends to be just so she can trust me. Or maybe i am blowing things out of proportion. Some things are just so hard to figure out. Should i say some people are just so hard to figure out. Myself included. I did find out tonight that i need to make some goals in my life. That is a major change for me. But i guess if she can change all of her plans, i could make some of my own.

"Dear Ambellina, the Prise wishes you to watch over me. Dear Ambellina, the Prise wishes all to watch over me. I fought the decisions that call and lost. My mark has the revelant piece in this. I will come reformed. In short, for the murders of those I court. I bless the hour that holds your fall. I will kill you all!!"


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