Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Bathroom Is a Creepy Place for Pictures of Your Friends

It is one of those days that i have so much to type, but i forgot it all. So many things crossed my mind today, but nothing that i can remember at this present time. Maybe i should take my own advice and write it down. I usually don't have this problem. Maybe i am just getting old. I think that is it. It reminds me of an old saying "Youth is wasted on the young". It is true. Josh Scogin said talked about it before. I agree with everything he said. So here is a quote from him.

"The statement, unfortunately, is true for the most part. Here we are, with the most energy that we will ever have and absolute health and few to no bills to pay, and what does the average young person do with all of that................sits around and watches tv, or plays on some technological waste of time, or worse yet, they waste all of that energy and zeal on drugs or alcohol, Items that were created for no other reason than to alter your state of mind."

For more from Josh click here and go to the articles.

Moving on, i beat The Punisher game today. I recommend it to any marvel comic fan. It is an excellent game. The story in it is amazing.

I decided the other day that i was tired of shaving. I am going to let my hair grow like God wanted it to. As long as possible and everywhere. But who am i kidding. I know as soon as it starts to go crazy i will be trimming it up nice and neat. I have to look good for the ladies.So they can be all up ons. Yeah like i need girls attention, and not like girls normally give me attention anyway. I do have the full attention of an amazing girl. So i guess i can just look nice for her. I am sure she will prefer me cleaner cut anyways. Speaking of her, she cut her hair the other day. I was a little nervous because it was short already. But she looks adorable as always. I don't think there is anything she can do to make me not think she is adorable. I love her so much. Now that i am with her, all of those sappy love songs are starting to make sense. I am sure that is a sign of something. Maybe a sign of the apocalypse, but most likely i really love this girl. This would mean my days of pretending to be a player are over before the even began. I can't dwell on what could have been, but on the present. And the amazing person i want to share it with.


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