Tuesday, February 01, 2005

All The While There's A Symphony On The Music Box, As I Sit Behind The Keys Of My Player Piano I Cry

I had an okay day. I received some bad news this morning. I except it, but i still didn't want to hear it. Life is really difficult sometimes. Hopefully i can correct it this week, but i'm not sure. If i can't then i don't know what i will do. I'm so freakin' lost. This kind of crap is the reason i don't want to grow up. I'm gonna stay eighteen forever. I just wanted this to work out so badly, but i let myself down as always.

On a good note i was able to finally stretch out my septum to an eight gauge. Probably the only goal i had in life is complete. Now i have nothing to work for. I'm going to be so freakin' bored. What am i talking about i can stretch my tongue and lips still. Bring on the pain. I think i just have a sick obession with metal. I don't ever plan on removing any of my piercings. I never ever considered getting a piercing with the idea of taking it out later. They all become a part of me. Take them out would be like cuting my nose off. They are now part of my face. And i love them to death. I didn't do them for any other reason than that. I just love them. And i don't need people around me that are willing to look pass them. Looking pass them is looking pass me. I will stay ugly with my piercings, thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not dumb and you are not ugly. Start thinking more highly of yourself, you deserve it and so does Jessica. Your piercings are a part of you but they don't make up your heart.

February 2, 2005 at 9:59 AM  

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