Friday, January 30, 2004

Pull the Trigger, and the Nightmare ends

The album for today is Static-X "Machine". Well i have made an alliance with chon for this mod election, then i destroyed it. I just don't feel there needs to be two mods. Plus i don't think john will like to be my lackey (Cause that is the only way it will be). The forum only needs one mod to help as eHUNT changes jobs.

This is going to be Halo weekend. I will probably be spending all weekend at jarvis' house. His parents are out of town, so it is time to party. Then sunday is 007's halo/superbowl party. So it will be a fun fulled weekend.

It is too late to think of anything else to say. I am going to bed.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

The Entire World Is Counting On Me And They Don't Even Know It

I am over at Chon's condo again. We have join forces to eliminate our enemies. Cause "I only drink the blood of my Enemies!." Ha ha ha. I love red vs blue. We got together to make a halo video. It should be funny. I just hope that all of them know it is just for fun, no hard feelings. It has been a pain. I thought it would be really quick, but it wasn't. Oh well i hope everyone likes it. And i hope it helps me win too.

It's Tuesday Night And Mr. Judgement Is Out Of Cigarettes

I went on a little trip today. Greg, Summer, Lora, Vanessa, and i went to Deltona to drop off Summers car at her dad's work. The adventure didn't start till the drive back. Some how we all fit in lora's nissan 240. I was glad greg went. Whenever greg and i go on road trips it is always fun.

I just spent about half a hour writing a post on on why i should be a mod on the site. It probably sound really stupid. I was trying to be creative and silly. Hopefully it will help me win the mod position.

When i got home tonight at 1:30 am the screen door on the front door was locked. And of course i don't have a key to it. I was freakin' out. I tryed to break it open, didn't work. I tryed to get in a window, didn't work. I finally called the house, but no one answered. Then a few minutes later my step brother in law came to the door. I was so happy. I really didn't want to sleep in my car for the night.

It is about 3:00 am, it is time to watch "Wings" then go to bed. It is cold for at least the next couple of days. That means i can wear my jackets. That is wonderful news!

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Sperm Ridden Burden

I found out that my step sister, Angie, is having her thrid child. Normally that is great news, but it's not. She is the type of person you just don't want to reproduce. She already has two kids she can't take care of, and now she is having another. The worst part of this, is that the other step sister, Crystal, can't have children. The one who shouldn't can, and the one who should can't. Irony is a dirty little bastard some times. Crystal has looked into adopting a kid, but it costs too much for her. I don't understand why i have to have interviews and pay a lot of money to adopt. But i could just go out and get a woman pregnant for free. Maybe the government should take control, well at least of my step sister.

I found out today that my ex sister-in-law doesn't want her love bird anymore. That means i can have it. Well technically i will be holding it for my brother up in atlanta, but i will treat it has mine. I have wanted a love bird for some time now. And after spending time in atlanta with my brothers birds, i really want one. This will be a good way for me to test the water so to speak. See if i can deal with taking care of one.

Well my satellite is going out cause of the storm over my house. I think that is a sign to go to bed. Plus i need to get up tomorrow and look for a job, but i will probably end up surfing the internet all day.

Monday, January 26, 2004

Good eye, Sniper. I shoot, you run

I can not keep living this far away from all of my friends, all one of them. Although driving so much does give me time to sing along to some of my cds. Emo is so much fun to sing along with. I adore singing Coheed and Cambria 'The Second Stage Turbine Blade'. I could do it for hours. I still must really move closer to east orlando. I miss living over there.

I attended the "tourney" for 007 and eHUNT. They didn't do well at all. Of course they went against some of the best people in orlando, and apparently one of the best teams in the US. I think they did their best, and that is all you can do. At least they will know what they are up against next time, if there is a next time.

After the halo carnage we went to chon's condo to watch the WWE Royal Rumble. 007 and eHUNT joined us too. I didn't think they were WWE fans or even cared. But it was fun an all guys night. And Chris Beniot won the royal rumble, you jabronis.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

My Throat Is An Open Grave

Another late night for me. I have to start sleeping at night, not during the day. But it is so much cooler at night. I used to stay up late at night on my computer (like right now) and staring at my fish tank. I love fish. I miss having a tank. I want another little crab, but i think this time i will have to get a Glofish or ten.

Tomorrow is the halo tourney that 007 and eHUNT are in. Chon and I stopped by the place on friday. Really nice place, but not really big. I am worried that if a lot of people come to watch, that there may not be enough room. If that happens, then i don't know what we will do. I am suppose to get up in the morning and go to Chon's condo. The only good thing about that is that i can get me a McGriddle. GOD i love those things! They are like my drug. Although they aren't strong enough to get me out of bed in the morning, but they are a good reason to get up. After my McGriddle i will most likely crash at Chon's. Hopefully i won't sleep too late and be late to the halo tourney. Well it is about 3:30 am, i better go.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

If You Can't Leave it Be, Might as Well Make it Bleed

The singer for Further Seems Forever, Jason Gleason, has just lefted the band. There have been a lot of band member changes in the last month or so. At least for the bands i care about. UnderOath has finally found a new singer, Norma Jean's Brad just left and Cory Putman took his place, Zao reformed only to have Jesse Smith leave and start a new band called GODS. I understand the music industry is tough, and the christian music industry is really tough. But i am tired of falling in love with a band just so they can change on me with their next cd. I know some of these changes were needed, but it is still annoying. I do hope with further seems forever needing a new singer maybe they will reform Strongarm. I love Strongarm. Tonight i get to work for the second time this week. I hope they give me more hours next week. I believe Russ is working tonight too, if he is that means it will be an all metal night tonight. That is just what the doctor ordered. Maybe i will bring in my strongarm cd?...

Slumber Overtake ME

I am so tired at the moment. I don't really have anything to do tomorrow, besides work in the evening. I played some pool tonight. I sucked bad. I have been kind of good before, but i really just don't overly enjoy pool. I think it is cause it reminds me of my old friend Mark. Not that thinking of mark is a terrible thing, but i would rather not think of him. I found out that i am one of the only people that really enjoys horror movies. Not that it surprises me too much. I always knew i had an odd love of horror movies. Oh well, goodnight.

Friday, January 23, 2004

Creating Something Out of Nothing, Only to Destroy It

I have finally beat True Crimes: Streets of LA. It was a really good game. For those who don't know it is a lot like GTA III/Vice City. Although those games were great, i think i liked True Crimes more. Probabaly cause the graphics weren't blocky like GTA. This page is buliding. I added all of my divx movies, vcd movies, and music cd lists. They need to be updated some more, but i will do that later. I have been looking for another/new job for a while now. I need something to do with all my free time, i am going crazy bored. I do work tomorrow night, so that will give me something to do tomorrow. Sunday i have to watch Doubble007 and eHUNT die in a halo tourney. Then watch the Royal Rumble sunday night at Chon's Place. I am glad i have something to do sunday that gets me out of doing the inventory for work. They usually are that bad, but with Hot Topic they make you recount every freakin' thing. It can be a pain. Tonight i am off to play some pool with some friends. I will probably make a fool out of myself, we'll see.

Pretty Soon, I don't know What, but Something is Going to Happen

We finally got this crazy page up, well somewhat up. I have been on Chon's case to figure out what kind of page he wants to do. I really don't care for the most part, though i do like this setup. Now i have something else to do besides xbox all the time.